Oracle Database Resident Connection Pooling

  1. How to use DRCP
  2. DRCP defaults
  3. Pooling effectiveness
  4. Observations
  5. Views on DRCP

How to use DRCP

To enable the database resident connection pool, the following needs to be run as SYSDBA

exec DBMS_CONNECTION_POOL.start_pool

Then one needs to change the client TNSNAMES.ORA, to replace the (SERVER = DEDICATED) with (SERVER = POOLED), and then it works.

If required, it can then be stopped with


Using the DRCP I found my connections kept getting disconnected, so I have adopted the following confuration:

  DBMS_CONNECTION_POOL.configure_pool(minsize              => 1
                                     ,maxsize              => 20
                                     ,incrsize             => 1
                                     ,inactivity_timeout   => 3600
                                     ,max_think_time       => 1800
                                     ,max_lifetime_session => 7200

DRCP defaults

The defaults for the above are
ParameterDefault ValueComment
MINSIZE4 Often times I will only be using one connection for a user, so having four in place seemed like a waste of memory to me
INCRSIZE3 For my purposes I only want one more connection if there isn't a spare one when I try to connect
INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT300 I increased this, as I rarely reuse a connection within 5 minutes
MAX_THINK_TIME30 As most of my connections are SQL*Plus of SQL*Developer, I definitely wanted more that 30 seconds think time!

Pooling effectiveness

Testing the effectiveness of the connection pooling, I wrote a script to connect 100 times to a database, and perform a simple SELECT sysdate FROM dual;. The script connected to an Oracle instance and an Oracle instance, first using a dedicated connection, and then using a DRCP pooled connection.

Database VersionAverage connect and sysdate query time (seconds)
Dedicated ConnectionDRCP Pooled Connection

For reference the script used to generate the above, and sample output, is at the bottom of this page.

One thing to note with the above, is the pooled connections from SQL*Plus were seen as "Purity NEW" connections, I couldn't figure out how to make SQL*Plus connect with a purity of "SELF", so more benefit is likely to be had from DRCP using clients connecting with a purity of SELF.


It is wise to create a new TNS name for the pooled connection, as there are some things that pooled connections can not be used for, and I have encountered problems with them.

Attempts to shut the database down using a pooled connection will be met with

ORA-56605: DRCP: Session switching and migration not allowed
ORA-56513: DRCP: Cannot perform requested operation using pooled connection

I have also found that after a period of hammering the database (with thousands of connections), attempts to use the pooled connection started to result in

ORA-03135: connection lost contact
Process ID: 0
Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0

I suspect that the connection problem would have cleared on it's own when the appropriate timeout had occurred, but I resolved this for my purposes by restarting DRCP:

exec DBMS_CONNECTION_POOL.start_pool

Views on DRCP

The following views can be used to see how DRCP is configured, and what it is up to:

Pooling effectiveness test script



for repeat in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  for connection in ora11 ora11p o12102nc o12102ncp
    echo Connection $connection
    (time for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      echo "SELECT sysdate FROM dual;" |sqlplus -s rik/rik@$connection 2>&1 >/dev/null
    done) 2>&1 |sed 's/  */ /g' |awk -F" |      |m|s" '/real/ {print $3}' 
done | awk '
    current_conn = "none";
    num_conn = 0;
    ora11_count = 0;
    ora11p_count = 0;
    o12102nc_count = 0;
    o12102ncp_count = 0;

  $1 == "Connection" { current_conn = $2 }

  $1 != "Connection"  &&  current_conn == "ora11" { ora11[ora11_count++] = $1 }
  $1 != "Connection"  &&  current_conn == "ora11p" { ora11p[ora11p_count++] = $1 }
  $1 != "Connection"  &&  current_conn == "o12102nc" { o12102nc[o12102nc_count++] = $1 }
  $1 != "Connection"  &&  current_conn == "o12102ncp" { o12102ncp[o12102ncp_count++] = $1 }

  function avg(array, count) {
    total = 0;
    for (i=0; i<count; i++) total += array[i];
    return (total / count);

  END {
    printf("%10.10s %10.10s %10.10s %10.10s\n", "ora11", "ora11p", "o12102nc", "o12102ncp");
    printf("---------- ---------- ---------- ----------\n");
    for (i=0; i<ora11_count; i++) {
      printf("%10f %10f %10f %10f\n", ora11[i], ora11p[i], o12102nc[i], o12102ncp[i]);
    printf("---------- ---------- ---------- ----------\n");
    printf("%10f %10f %10f %10f\n", avg(ora11, ora11_count), avg(ora11p, ora11p_count), avg(o12102nc, o12102nc_count), avg(o12102ncp, o12102ncp_count));

Sample script output:

     ora11     ora11p   o12102nc  o12102ncp
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
  1.662000   1.013000   1.710000   1.110000
  1.580000   0.982000   1.735000   1.089000
  1.618000   0.952000   1.759000   1.114000
  1.539000   0.993000   1.733000   1.115000
  1.748000   1.003000   1.802000   1.094000
  1.727000   1.041000   1.868000   1.102000
  1.681000   1.046000   1.797000   1.227000
  1.662000   0.993000   1.741000   1.221000
  1.606000   0.952000   1.722000   1.240000
  1.621000   0.987000   1.787000   1.287000
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
  1.644400   0.996200   1.765400   1.159900